Enjoying His GRACE
Knowing His BIBLE
Building His CHURCH

Sermon List

God’s Upside-Down Wisdom

February 19, 2017

Better than Rules

February 26, 2017

The Kingdom Goes Forward

March 26, 2017

Top Forty To Tame The Tongue Top Ten To Tame The Tongue


October 29, 2017

Scripture ALONE

November 5, 2017


November 12, 2017

Christ ALONE

November 19, 2017

For the "Spread of the Gospel" video referenced in the sermon please visit: https://vimeo.com/113801439

Introducing God

February 10, 2019

Another Sign

April 14, 2019

Hope In God

April 28, 2019

The Gift Given

December 15, 2019

The Gift Rejected

December 22, 2019

The Gift Wrapped

December 24, 2019

The Gift Returns

December 29, 2019

Who Do You Say I AM?

February 2, 2020

Jesus Will Build His Church

February 9, 2020

Kingdom Dawning

February 23, 2020

Image of God

February 23, 2020

Unstoppable Faith

March 1, 2020

Death and Taxes

March 8, 2020

The Road To Restoration

March 29, 2020

Extreme Forgiveness

April 5, 2020

In this final instalment in our series on the fruit of the Spirit, we consider self-control.  In a culture that values feelings and authenticity, the Bible's teaching that not all…

God Speaks

July 12, 2020

Having God as our heavenly father means that we will resemble his character.  Jesus died to redeem us from conforming to our sinful nature and freeing us to live holy…
God uses his word to create a new people who love and praise him.

As Christians, we're strangers in the world.  Following Jesus means that we live with different values and a different purpose to the people around us.  How should we live as…

We lose the good news unless faith alone is the means of our salvation.

Big Idea:  God redirects our misplaced priorities back to himself.
Persevere in God’s work because God is building a temple for his glory.
God restores relationship by renovating hearts and restoring his rule.
God is angry at sin, even if we don’t see it.

We Know This…

December 27, 2020

People will never desire God unless God first changes their heart.
Limited atonement proclaims that Christ’s love for me is without limit.
God chooses us in love, for His good purposes, to display His Glory!

Jesus is the only way to God.
Finish well by keeping God’s agenda as your agenda.
When God is not our King, the Kings we choose lead us to destruction.
When we selfishly treat God like the gods of our, culture things go tragically wrong.
God delivers his people in his time and on his terms

God’s mission should be our ambition.
DIY religion is a disaster.

Focus on Jesus

July 18, 2021
Stay focused on Jesus.
In marriage, God brings together one man and one woman for life.
God made marriage to end with death, not divorce.
Singleness has advantages over marriage, if you can accept it.
We’re saved by what Jesus has done and not what we do.
God’s good and generous grace is the great equaliser.
Suffering and service are the path to greatness.
Jesus shows compassion to the lowly, giving them eyes to see who he is.
Jesus reveals himself as the king who comes to bring peace.

God is… Just

October 17, 2021

God is… Omniscient

October 24, 2021

God is… Jealous

October 31, 2021

Are you producing fruit?
The resurrection is a matter of life and death.

Christmas Eve Message

December 24, 2021

Pressure on our faith pressures us to be faithful.
Prayer is the privilege of speaking to God, asking him to fulfil his promises.
A mature Christian doesn’t just know the Word, they live the Word.
Mercy triumphs over judgment because love isn’t earned.
Real faith is more than facts and phrases.
The mature tame their heart to tame their tongue.
You know you are wise if you are a peacemaker.
If God is not your bestie, then you are.
Judgment is coming: don’t live for bling, but wait on the King.
In sickness and in health – grow up.
Life isn’t found in what we do but in trusting the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

What’s Best?

April 24, 2022
Living out the gospel means putting the kingdom first.
We need to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk
Only Real Faith can give Real Assurance
We're God's children - so let's act like it!
The reality of hell then is the motivation for speaking about Jesus now.
Know that He is your Father…and Listen!
God’s love is not to be kept to ourselves.
Believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.

When pursuing Jesus’ mission gets tough, remember that our humility leads to God’s glory.

Psalm 22

July 17, 2022

Avoid hypocrisy by following Jesus in humility.
Every generation needs to avoid hypocrisy by committing to Jesus.
What is the sign of Jesus’ return?

See Him Coming

August 14, 2022
You won’t miss Jesus’ return that’ll end this age of evangelism and distress.

Ready or Not

August 21, 2022
Be ready because God alone knows when the end of the world will be.

Be Prepared

August 28, 2022
Watch that you’re prepared and persevere as we wait for Jesus’ return.

Be Working!

September 4, 2022
Faithfully work for the kingdom until his return.

Take Heed, Don’t Drift!

September 18, 2022

Jesus frees us from law we can’t keep so that we can serve others.
God loves his people.
What we give God shows how much we love and value him.
A failure to teach is teaching to fail.
Don’t be unfaithful.
God cares so much about injustice that he deals with the injustice in you.
Return to God in repentance.
Those who follow God gain everything.
Jesus was betrayed to be our Passover lamb.
Don’t live in denial: our failure is the beginning of the story of God’s grace.
We are weak, but Jesus is strong.
Nothing will interfere with Jesus’ agenda.
The truth about Jesus’ identity is clear for everyone to see.
Jesus is our only hope amidst despair.

Non Nobis Domine

March 12, 2023
The Lord remembers and blesses those who trust in His steadfast love and faithfulness…
We need to choose Jesus.
Jesus is crowned as king.
King Jesus sends his followers to make more followers so that everyone, everywhere will obey him in everything.
God deserves our thanks because he is good.

Wise living starts with a relationship with the Lord.
Don’t be tempted by the crowd who offers dishonest gain because it will destroy you.
Stay alive by turning towards wisdom rather than continuing on the path of foolishness.
Knowing God will save you from wasting your life.
Wisdom will transform your heart.
The good life is the life of wisdom.
Give thanks to God for Grace Bible Church Corinda.
We are all sinners who break God’s laws because we live in rebellion against him.
The gospel demands a response.

No Condemnation

September 10, 2023
Christians are freed from God’s condemnation and empowered by his Spirit to live rightly.
Paul has God-given authority to preach the promise of eternal life.
Godliness in Leadership
God’s judgement is coming – God’s judgement is consuming – but God’s judgment is avoidable for those who seek refuge in Him…
Elders lead the church in the war on error.
Through all the seasons of life, God holds our times in his hands.
Pursue godly living for gospel display.
Grace drives godliness until we experience God’s glory.
God’s love rescues us from disobedience so that we can live in obedience.
Focus on grace and the result will be godliness.
Have confidence in the unseen.
Faith looks beyond the here and now.
God invites us to trust him to provide for our needs.

Praying “Your kingdom come and Your will be done” is asking God to conquer broken kingdoms and broken wills. And this includes our own!
As adopted children of the King, we have an intimately personal yet infinitely powerful Father who loves us and seeks our good in Christ!

A Prophet at Prayer

February 4, 2024

It is only as we are overwhelmed by God’s incredible forgiveness of us that we can ever forgive others.
We need God’s wisdom to do relationships well.
Wisdom teaches us look ahead so that we don’t hurt ourselves and others.
Avoid adultery because it is awful and comes with a high price.
Answering wisdom’s call answers life’s questions.
We all need to choose whether we’ll follow Wisdom or Folly.
Jesus is lifted up as the king of the world.
Death tried to keep Jesus down, but God lifted him up.
Unity in the gospel produces the unity needed for mission.
God doesn’t have favourites: everyone needs to repent and believe.
Even though everyone is justly judged as a sinner, God is faithful to his promises.
God is right to forgive sinners who have faith in Jesus because he has dealt with their sin at the cross.
We need not fear when calamity strikes – for God is an all-present and all-powerful Protector.

Our God of grace is the father of a family of faith and a people of promise.
Jesus' legacy gives us hope for life in a world of suffering and death.
Grace frees us to live righteously.

God’s plan for our future brings us hope in our present suffering.
Jesus, the promised Saviour-King, is the main character in God's story.
The trademark of Jesus' Kingship is His power and authority to transform lives.